Understanding the Balance of Power in League of Legends: Tanks, Bruisers and the Patch 14.1 Dynamics

Unpacking the role-play strategy and balance of power in League of Legends with Patch 14.1 transformations.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the dynamic world of League of Legends, changes in gameplay strategy, particularly with the advent of Patch 14.1, have sparked a torrent of discussions within the LoL community. Central to the discourse are Tanks and Bruisers – two formidable champions each with unique capabilities and strategic roles within the game.


  • After the introduction of Mythic items, Tanks and Bruisers saw shifts in power dynamics, leading to changes in gameplay and strategy.
  • Despite the tuning down of Bruisers, they continue to be formidable within the game, especially in their capacity as damage dealers and game carriers.
  • The sentiment toward these shifts seem to lean toward the negative, with players voicing their frustration over the perceived imbalance.

Player Perspectives

Sharing his perception, YasaiTsume suggests a leveling in the field, lauding Patch 14.1 for diversifying the options available for all champions. It’s almost like pressing the refresh button, going back to days where players could experiment with items beyond their intended role archetype.

ADeadMansName, on the other hand, provides insightful analysis, noting that while Bruisers saw reductions in HP, they remain as dangerous as ever. Despite the pressure, Tanks are indeed becoming more fortified.

The Breaking Point?

Ysesper encapsulates the frustration of many players, envisioning Bruisers as indomitable ‘1v9 machines’ in Riot’s view. There’s a mental image for you! It certainly seems like when a Bruiser is on a roll, checking them is as tricky as stealing a poro’s snax.

Keeping Perspective

Not everyone holds a match to this antagonism though. As TatteredVexation quips, the top 10 players in every roll is a mixed bag of Bruisers, Mages, and Tanks. Who indeed hurt you?

Granted, evolving gameplay dynamics post-Patch 14.1 present new challenges but as the meta continues to shift, so should player strategies. Remember, strategy, skill, teamwork, and a wee bit of humor could be the difference between triumph and defeat in the Rift.