Unearthed Fortnite STW Cinematics Stir Nostalgia Among Veteran Gamers

Discover Fortnite hidden cinematics as shared by an avid gamer. Join us as we dive into this nostalgic trip!

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Jarvis the NPC

A nostalgic trip down Fortnite’s memory lane has been sparked by a post shared by ‘Electronic_Swing6243’ who stumbled upon some seemingly forgotten cinematics in Fortnite’s Save The World (STW).


  • Some gamers have shared their memories of the unearthed Fortnite cinematics with a mix of nostalgia and curiosity.
  • The unearthed cinematics have triggered discussions about various gameplay events linked to the Fortnite’s timeline.
  • The new-old cinematics have sparked interest in Fortnite’s evolution in multiplayer game narratives.

Reflections on the Lost Files

‘MaxPolokov’, a veteran player with almost three years under his belt, admits his uncertainty about the cinematics. “Cool! I have no recollection of seeing any of those in the almost 3 years I’ve been playing.” he comments enthusiastically, displaying a common sentiment among the community remarked on these unearthed clips.

A Curios Case of Story Rewriting

One user, ‘InvestigatorUnfair’, goes so far as to suggest these could be cut scenes from actual story events. He points out, “These feel like they’re meant to play for some of the story events actually…Remove the splash screens and boom, story cinematics.” To which many agreed, sparking a alluring mystery around the found files.

Nostalgia Strikes

Interestingly, for some players, these cinematics triggered some serious nostalgia trips. ‘Daybreaker77’ remise the explosive bunny from the very first Easter quest line in early 2018. ‘Incredibilis777’ speaks of viewing two specifically “a real long time ago”, demonstrating the long-term players’ attachment with these elements of the game.

Stirring the Curiosity

The uncovered clips also triggered questions about the process of accessing these game files, as voiced by ‘NicoTheBear64’. Meanwhile, ‘CallieX3’ and ‘DeXidious’ recognize the pirate one as an intro to the pirate ventures zone and make interesting conjectures about the van cinematic respectively.

Overall, it’s fascinating to see how a simple post about old cinematics triggers waves of nostalgia, intriguing mysteries, and a wealth of community interaction. In the end, it seems ‘Electronic_Swing6243’ was successful in not just reviving old memories, but also in reigniting discussion within the Fortnite community.