Unearthing Strategies: Clash Royale’s Mighty Miner Ability in Action

Inside look into Clash Royale's community discussion on the Mighty Miner ability's effectiveness.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the arena of Clash Royale, every move counts, and even the seemingly simplest abilities can shift the tide of a match. This becomes drastically evident in a discussion sparked by user FurryNOT who posted a clip titled ‘300 IQ mighty miner ability wins me the game’.


  • The community shows mixed feelings towards the strategic display
  • Some players perceive the move as common, away from the ‘300 IQ’ handle.
  • Others appreciate the skill involved, despite their initial skepticism.

Player Insights

The Mighty Miner play, while seemingly impressive to some, has rubbed a section of the player base the wrong way. User arcidinski humorously downplays FurryNOT’s move, stating, \”Bro if that’s a 300 IQ play then I proclaim me or other players Einstein.\” User Pollabur, on the other hand, stresses that such a play is just the standard use of the ability.

Game Dynamics

Even though the move seems customary for some, there’s a noticeable aspect of skill involved. User ItzManu001 acknowledges, \”Not a 300 IQ play but that’s a cool clip regardless. It’s always a pleasure to take down overleveled opponents with a high-skill level-sensitive deck.\” This comment brings to light how skill-based plays can feel rewarding in Clash Royale’s dynamic gameplay.

Impact on Clash Royale

A single move can bring about a ripple effect in how the game is approached. As user RedHotSonic_ notes, strategies like the 300 IQ Mighty Miner play have conditioned players to hard-countering specific cards. It shows how the meta can be influenced by strategically impressive maneuvers.

On wrapping up, the Mighty Miner play displayed in FurryNOT’s clip garners mixed reactions from the community. However, it brings to the fore-front the strategic depth that exists in Clash Royale. Whether we label it as a ‘300 IQ’ move or not, it certainly has its place in the very fabric of the game’s ever-changing meta.