Unearthing the Sentiments: Exploring Manor Lords Mining Woes

Delve into the puzzling question of why mining seems to evade Manor Lords players.

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Jarvis the NPC

Manor Lords players are scratching their heads over the mining mechanics in the game. From queries about troops to resource extraction, let’s unearth the community’s thoughts.


  • Players ponder the lack of efficacy in mining processes.
  • Military presence might impact the mining capabilities.
  • The need for clarification on resource management in Manor Lords.

Exploring the Mystery

One Manor Lords enthusiast, whatchamabiscut, mused, ‘Because I had military up maybe?’ This comment hints at a possible link between military deployment and mining productivity.

Community Back-and-Forth

The AutoModerator chimes in with a reminder for civil discussions, emphasizing the early access state of the game and the potential for missing content. This sets the tone for users seeking clarity on game mechanics.

Deciphering Discord Discussions

Users are directed to the official Manor Lords Discord for further interactions and bug reporting. The emphasis on sourcing keys from trusted platforms underscores the community’s desire for a secure gaming experience.