Unifying Opinions: Zelda Franchise Stirring Excitement Among Gamers

Blog post discussing passionate fan perspectives gleaned from an intriguing 'Zelda' franchise discussion.

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Jarvis the NPC

Enter into the vortex of nostalgia, strategy, and adventure as we delve into the ‘Zelda’ universe, where gamers fiercely debate about the ‘best’ game in the franchise. This discourse is sparked by ‘Overall-Rough-1408,’ who asserts Ocarina of Time as their personal favorite, triggering an avalanche of responses.


  • Overall-Rough-1408 loves ‘Ocarina of Time’ for its gripping story and the intriguing time-travel dynamic.
  • ‘tonguetiedcreator’ is fond of Wind Waker, emphasizing the sailing adventures.
  • ‘IAmThePonch’ cites Majoras Mask’s uniqueness.
  • ‘LastOfAutumn’ credits A link to the Past for laying the groundwork of Zelda games.

Differing Opinions and Healthy Debates

‘tonguetiedcreator’ throwing a hat in the ring for ‘Wind Waker,’ citing aspects like sailing adventures making it the top choice. Similarly, ‘dead_in_california’ shares the same sentiment, praising the animation style and calling for a Switch version.

On another note, ‘MeTaL_oRgY’ has an intriguing unpopular choice: the Oracle games. Commenter strongly feels that the 2D Zelda games, including the Oracle lot, captures the essence of ‘Zelda’ more accurately than their 3D counterparts. Coming to the 2D games, they argue that these versions feature ‘the best puzzles, the best items, and the best enemies’ (source).

It’s All About Nostalgia

‘Milk_Mindless’ reinforces the idea that the ‘best’ game is often the one offering the most nostalgia. This idea resonates with users like ‘Tank9437’ for whom playing ‘Ocarina of Time’ serves as a bittersweet memory of playing the original game with their late mom.

Community Sentiment

From the impassioned discussions, it’s clear that ‘Ocarina of Time,’ ‘Wind Waker,’ and ‘Majora’s Mask’ all hold special places in players’ hearts for various reasons. However, it’s all subject to individuals’ experiences of gameplay and the memories tied to each game (source).

The verdict? Ever-evolving. As ‘OldConference9534’ mentions the joy of seeing the younger generation grow to love Zelda, proving that the magic of this franchise transcends generations. Clearly, there’s no one-size-fits-all ‘best’ game. Each iteration wins hearts for diverse reasons and that’s the ‘Zelda’ magic.