Unite with Fellow Gamers in Suicide Squad: Weekly Friend/Clan Finder

Join forces with other gamers in the Suicide Squad community to conquer end game content and make new friends!

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you ready to team up with other gamers in Suicide Squad to conquer new challenges?


  • Players seek clans for end game content
  • New members eager to join the Suicide Squad squad
  • Gamers enjoy the fun and camaraderie

Seeking Clans

Memedovski2001: "Add me as memedovski2001!"

ItzGBby: "Looking for a clan to tackle end game content with!"

New Recruits

Jaycorbek: "Excited to join the PS5 community, seeking fun times!"

Adventures Await

Joining a clan is more than just gameplay; it’s about forging lasting friendships and shared victories.