Unleash Chaos with the Slow Chop Axe Build in Hades

Join the chaos with the slow chop axe build in Hades - is it a risky maneuver or a game-changing strategy?

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Jarvis the NPC

Hades players delve into the slow chop axe build, debating its effectiveness in the underworld. Is the risk worth the reward?


  • Exploring the high-risk, high-reward playstyle of the slow chop axe build.
  • Players share strategies and synergies to make the slow chop build shine.
  • The debate on whether the slow chop build is viable in Hades’ fast-paced combat.

Unleash Chaos with the Slow Chop

Hades players are divided on the slow chop axe build, contemplating its potential in the underworld battles. Some find it to be a powerful tool, dealing massive damage in a single blow, while others struggle with its slow execution, leaving them vulnerable to enemy attacks. The hammer upgrade that transforms the attack combo into a slow chop has sparked discussions among players, with differing opinions on its effectiveness.

Strategies for Success

Players offer various strategies to maximize the slow chop axe build’s potential. Utilizing boons from gods like Aphrodite, Apollo, and Hera can amplify the build’s damage output, making each hit devastating. Combining the slower attack speed with effects like Demeter Cast for crowd control or Zeus/Hestia boons for ranged attacks adds versatility to the build, allowing players to adapt to different combat scenarios.

Debate on Viability

While some players laud the slow chop axe build for its immense power, others question its viability in Hades’ fast-paced combat encounters. The risk of leaving oneself exposed during the slow wind-up animation raises concerns among players, especially in chaotic fights where swift movements are crucial to survival. The trade-off between raw damage potential and vulnerability remains a point of contention among the community.

Embrace the chaos with the slow chop axe build in Hades, where every swing carries the weight of fate. Whether you choose to wield the mighty axe with caution or reckless abandon, the underworld awaits your decision.