Unleash the Heroes: Excitement and Controversy Surrounding Fortnite’s TMNT Mythics

Discover the mixed sentiments of Fortnite players as they delve into the exciting and controversial world of TMNT mythics.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players have been buzzing with excitement and controversy over the recent addition of TMNT mythics in the game. These powerful items, inspired by the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, have sparked a variety of opinions among the player base, ranging from awe-inspiring superhero moments to concerns about their impact on gameplay balance. Let’s dive into the Reddit post and comments to uncover the reasons behind the mixed sentiments.


  • Players express excitement over the TMNT mythics and praise their superhero-like abilities.
  • Some players appreciate the addition of alternatives to existing items, such as the Grapple Blade.
  • Trickshot potential with the return of Hoverboards is highlighted.
  • Concerns are raised about bullet travel speeds not matching weapon classes and the need for additional mod benches.

Superhero Moments and Clunky Alternatives

One Redditor, Scam_bot419, couldn’t help but marvel at the superhero-like entry into a fight using a TMNT mythic: “Man jumped into that fight like a goddamn superhero, you deserved that win for that alone.” This sentiment reflects the awe-inspiring moments players can experience with these new items.

Another Redditor, CuberBeats, expresses their liking for the update, citing the TMNT mythics as a better alternative to the clunky Grapple Blade. They also mention the exciting trickshot potential that arises from the reintroduction of Hoverboards. However, they also raise concerns about bullet travel speeds not matching the weapon class and the need for more mod benches and goofy mods.

Mixed Sentiments and Contentious Gameplay

Adrenalin997 adds their agreement to the positive sentiment, simply stating, “I like them too!” This concise comment showcases the pleasure some players find in the TMNT mythics.

On the other hand, not all players are thrilled with the addition of these powerful items. Nick_shannon expresses their discontent, seeing them as a “massive crutch” that allows people to get away with bad positioning in the end game and flee from fights too easily. They also dislike the combination of movement and attack in a single item, believing it would be more balanced if it focused on either one.

Dookiebalboa’s comment takes a more critical stance, declaring the TMNT mythics as “the most corniest shit” they have seen and admitting that they can’t bring themselves to play Fortnite anymore.

As with any new addition to a game, Fortnite’s TMNT mythics have generated a range of responses from players. While some may marvel at the superhero-like abilities and new alternatives, others have concerns about gameplay balance and corny aesthetics. It’s clear that Fortnite continues to provide exciting but divisive content, keeping players engaged and sparking conversations within the community.