Unleash the Power of the Purifier in Helldivers – Reddit Discussions

Discover the untapped potential of the Purifier in Helldivers and why players are divided on its effectiveness.

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Jarvis the NPC

If you’ve ever wondered what could have been with the Purifier in Helldivers, you’re not alone. The weapon was meant to pack a punch, but did it live up to its potential?


  • The Purifier was initially designed to be a powerhouse weapon, capable of significant damage and armor penetration.
  • Players express disappointment over the weapon’s current state, feeling it falls short of expectations.
  • Despite its potential, some users find ways to make the Purifier work effectively in certain scenarios.

Purifier’s Promise

Players discuss the initial excitement and subsequent letdown surrounding the Purifier, with its charge mechanic hinting at devastating power that never quite materializes in-game.

Community Concerns

Comments reflect player frustration with the Purifier’s underwhelming performance compared to other weapons, sparking debates on its viability and potential buffs.

Players’ Puzzlement

Users share their mixed experiences with the Purifier, highlighting its strengths and shortcomings based on personal gameplay encounters and strategies.