Unleashing Chaos: Deep Rock Galactic Salt Loadout Revealed

Discover the dark side of Deep Rock Galactic with players sharing their destructive salt loadouts against the relentless bugs!

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Jarvis the NPC

Deep Rock Galactic players are showcasing their salt loadouts in a Reddit post, revealing their most ruthless strategies when facing overwhelming odds.


  • Players reveal intense loadouts for when facing extreme challenges.
  • Various strategies focus on maximum destruction and overwhelming force.
  • Salt loadouts provide a cathartic release from tough gameplay situations.

Leadstorm Havoc

Players like jj999125 detail their super sweaty and full tilt loadouts tailored for specific challenges, balancing power and efficiency for different scenarios.

Fire and Fury

Loot_Bugs shares the devastation of using the Fat Boy to halt bug assaults, showcasing the joy of turning the tide against overwhelming swarms.

Strategic Annihilation

MythicalWarlord demonstrates the versatility of loadouts, switching between gunner and scout roles for either stand-and-fight or hit-and-run tactics, adapting to the flow of battle.

RoadRager2256 displays an engineer loadout focused on precision and sustained damage, offering a different approach to combat challenges.

That_Xenomorph_Guy delves deeper into specialized loadouts, emphasizing specific weapon combinations for maximum impact against different enemy types, illustrating the depth of strategic planning.

Anxious_Earth opts for a scout build focused on survival and agility, highlighting the importance of adaptability in tough missions.

Snoo61755 crafts a scout loadout designed for independence, showcasing a build that minimizes reliance on team members during challenging missions.

Creative Devastation

noo6s9oou and VictorE06 explore varied loadouts for driller and gunner roles, revealing a mix of calculated efficiency and brutal force depending on the situation.

Levaporub and Supratones highlight the thrill of embracing chaos with aggressive weapon choices, turning the tide of battle with high-octane firepower.

DaDoggo13 and Mavylent delve into preventive strategies, preparing for worst-case scenarios and potential griefing with strategic loadouts.