Unleashing Dark Urge: A Necromantic Twist in Baldur’s Gate

Discover why players are torn between cutting off Gale's hand or embracing his evil Dark Urge in Baldur's Gate.

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Jarvis the NPC

Baldur’s Gate fans are debating a controversial decision on whether to cut off Gale’s hand in a dark twist. The debate centers around transforming Gale into a necromancer and the implications it brings.


  • Players find the idea of turning Gale into a necromancer both intriguing and morally complex.
  • Some players view cutting off his hand as a shallow evil act, preferring a more nuanced approach.
  • There is a division in the player base regarding the moral implications of this decision.

Player’s Perspectives on Gale’s Dark Urge

Fans shared various viewpoints on Gale’s fate, with some users preferring the narrative complexity of turning him into a necromancer. One user, returnBee, expressed a liking for this path, believing it provides context to Gale’s necromantic tendencies.

All-for-Naut argued that corrupting Gale to commit evil deeds like killing the grove was a more profound evil than simply severing his hand. This viewpoint highlights the moral ambiguity surrounding Gale’s character arc.

Gale’s Transformation Options

RealNiceKnife suggested a humorous approach by sending Gale to the magic mirror and giving him a spooky makeover, showcasing the players’ creative ideas for Gale’s character development.

sf3p0x1 humorously proposed an even darker route of slapping Gale’s hand first before leaving him, showcasing the community’s playful take on the game’s decision-making.

The Choices and Consequences

almostb delved into the lore, suggesting giving Gale the necromancy of Thay and its ghoul minions, highlighting the rich storytelling potential in Baldur’s Gate and the various outcomes players can influence.

kristinatsarina shared a narrative twist, enjoying the complexity of a character arc where redemption turns into destruction, showcasing how players engage with the game’s morality.

veevacious, in a random but intriguing observation, noticed an unusual detail in the game, adding a touch of humor to the discussions around Gale’s fate.