Unleashing Diablo Mayhem: Any Build Ideas for this Staff?

Join the Diablo community as they discuss the potential uses and shortcomings of a mysterious staff found during a T200 boss run.

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Jarvis the NPC

Exploring the depths of Diablo’s mysteries, a lost staff has surfaced during a T200 boss run, sparking a debate among players on its utility and worthiness in different builds.


  • Players question the usefulness of the staff for end-game content.
  • Debate arises on potential alternative builds and classes.
  • Some find novelty in using the staff for lower-level content.

Community Insights

Clankyboy96 ridicules the staff’s design, suggesting it lacks practicality for challenging content.

yxalitis humorously doubts the player’s request for advice, given their high-tier gameplay.

TheSorrow1964- proposes a Blizzard sorc build, highlighting the staff’s viability in certain scenarios.

Player Perspectives

alisonstone points out the limitations of using a staff, highlighting its potential only for easy content due to equipment constraints.

Distinct-Race-2471 plans to experiment with the staff despite skepticism, mentioning its novelty and the humorous addition of greed shrines.

WashombiShwimp reminisces using the staff during leveling but acknowledges its diminishing utility as the game progresses.