Unleashing Hell: The Helldivers HMG Dilemma

Helldivers players share mixed feelings about the Heavy Machine Gun and its latest changes.

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Jarvis the NPC

Helldivers players have been buzzing about the Heavy Machine Gun (HMG) and its recent adjustments. A Reddit post dives into the community’s thoughts on the weapon’s current state.


  • Players discuss the effectiveness and value of the HMG after the latest changes.
  • Speculation on potential improvements such as belt-fed mechanisms for easier ammo management.
  • Debates arise about the balancing act between power and practicality for heavy weapons like the HMG.

Players’ Perspectives on the HMG

Trucksogen shared, “Honestly this is what I was expecting the HMG to be before it was released; belt fed from a backpack.” The notion of a belt-fed setup resonated with many players, offering improved utility.

Formal_Produce_1016 suggested, “Long supply pack,” showcasing a desire for practical ammunition solutions that enhance gameplay dynamics.

Misfiring proposed an Ammo belt backpack concept, providing detailed mechanics that sparked discussions on new stratagem ideas to enrich the HMG experience.

Community’s Feedback and Suggestions

Maxishazard77 voiced concerns about the HMG’s worth despite reported buffs, igniting debates on the weapon’s viability in various scenarios.

Cmetaphor highlighted the need for ammo packs that eliminate reloads, emphasizing the importance of balance and trade-offs in game design.

Ok_Contract_3661 expressed interest in a minigun with a backpack belt feed, hinting at player preferences for efficient and powerful weapon configurations.

In the realm of Helldivers, the HMG conundrum symbolizes the ongoing quest for balancing fun gameplay mechanics with strategic depth. Players’ diverse perspectives and creative suggestions add vibrancy to the community’s shared experiences, shaping the future of galactic warfare in the game.