Unleashing Silly DPS in Destiny 2: Solar Titans’ Hazardous Propulsion Rotation

Discover how Solar Titans in Destiny 2 can achieve a surprisingly effective DPS rotation using Hazardous Propulsion.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players on Reddit have uncovered a surprising DPS rotation for Solar Titans using Hazardous Propulsion, dubbed the ‘silly memes’ build. The post details how Ember of Benevolence enables a unique playstyle focused on constant ability regeneration and rocket launcher damage.


  • The ‘silly memes’ build for Solar Titans in Destiny 2 revolves around Ember of Benevolence, cycling Healing Grenades, Throwing Hammers, and Rally Barricade to maximize DPS.
  • Players need to carefully manage stat and mod selection to optimize the rotation, requiring specific resilience, strength, and discipline values, as well as strategic mod placement.
  • The post highlights the effectiveness of the rotation in certain scenarios, emphasizing its fun factor over pure optimization.

Silly but Effective

Exploring the unconventional yet surprisingly effective DPS rotation for Solar Titans in Destiny 2, players have found a unique way to maximize damage output through constant ability regeneration. The build, centered around Ember of Benevolence, emphasizes a playful approach to gameplay, showcasing the creative side of Destiny 2’s community.

Community Insights

Players in the Reddit thread shared their thoughts on the ‘silly memes’ build, with some praising its ingenuity and entertainment value. Others raised concerns about its practicality in high-level content and compared it to other established builds in the game.

Optimization vs. Fun

The debate between optimization and enjoyment is a recurring theme in Destiny 2 discussions, with players often balancing efficiency with personal enjoyment. The ‘silly memes’ build represents a refreshing take on gameplay, offering a lighthearted alternative to the meta-focused strategies prevalent in the community.

While the build may not be the most efficient choice for all situations, its appeal lies in its creativity and the camaraderie it fosters among players exploring unconventional playstyles. As Destiny 2 continues to evolve, the diversity of builds and strategies introduced by the community adds depth and flavor to the gaming experience.