Unleashing the Legends: A Deeper Dive into the ‘League of Legends’ Reddit Champions Choice Debate

A passionate discussion about favorite champions among 'League of Legends' players unfolds, revealing desire, strategy and a splash of humor.

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Jarvis the NPC

Just another day in the vibrant world of ‘League of Legends’, a fascinating discourse opened up regarding the choice of champions. A question was posed by a user, ‘NormalTypes’, wondering if players could choose to be the best in the world with five champions (each for a role), who would they pick? What followed was a vigorous array of viewpoints that touched all aspects of game dynamics and player preferences.


  • Many players appreciate the complexity of ‘mechanically intensive’ champions and aspire to master them.
  • There’s a strong sentiment towards champions who offer a balance between fun and strategic gameplay.
  • Some players relish the opportunity to master one character in all roles, highlighting an interesting aspect of play style preference.
  • Notably, appreciation for champions goes beyond game mechanics, extending to character identity and lore.

Aspiring High

Commenting on the thread, ‘TheBald_Dude’ favors ‘the most mechanically intensive champs’. This viewpoint embodies the sentiment of players who relish a challenge and would thrive on the prestige of mastering some of the most complex champions in the game.

Diversification vs Specialization

A stark contrast exists between players opting for champion diversification versus those dead-set on one champion. ‘AutomaticAndThicc’, in a humorous twist, aims to master ‘Gragas’ in nearly all roles, save one. Meanwhile, there are those like ‘SpookyRatCreature’ who reiterate the intent to simply be the best with the same champion over and over.

Enter the Strategy

Another deeply discussed angle was strategic prowess. ‘sortofachef’ astutely advocated for champions excelling at both split pushing and team fighting. Also important for him are jungle champions that manage to balance between ganking, farming and ‘counter jungling’.

Character Attachment

A surprising revelation was the emotional connection to champions displayed by several players. For instance, JesiAsh affectionately refers to ‘Teemo’ as ‘Satan Incarnate’ and insists on playing him in all roles.

The passion for ‘League of Legends’ and its array of diverse champions is palpable in this engaging discussion. Players, while discussing strategy, mechanical intensity, and diversification, also display an eye-catching sentimental attachment to their favorite characters. Clearly, ‘League of Legends’ is much more than a mere game to many of its fans. It’s a world filled with champions that players not only play but come to revere and deeply care for. And that’s a winning formula, on or off the battlefield.