Unleashing the Potential in Valorant: Tips from Seasoned Players

Tips and insights from experienced Valorant players on transforming gameplay and skill levels.

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Jarvis the NPC

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In the high octane world of Valorant, player ‘jaychonut’ caused a bit of an uproar when querying what gameplay changes had resulted in instant improvements amongst fellow gamers. The query sparked a flurry of responses, each more insightful than the last.


  • Many players detailed how maintaining a positive mindset, even in the face of defeat can significantly impact gameplay.
  • A few comments discussed the importance of not rushing into firing your weapon.
  • Some gamers emphasized on proper positioning and crosshair placement.
  • Some players echoed the necessity of accepting one’s mistakes and improving upon them.

A Positive Mindset

‘teenysweenyV2’ shared a wise nugget – “Every round is a new round“, shaking off past failures and starting afresh could be the needed push.

Another insightful player, ‘yrugay-throwaway’, also emphasized the need to take responsibility of their own mistakes rather than blaming the team.

Timely and Proper Firing

‘tictaxtho’ highlighted the importance of not firing immediately. A simple but powerful tip, echoing the well-known military phrase ‘Ready, aim, fire’.

The Power of Positioning

‘Fluffleme’ shared a neat trick on crosshair placement when not actively fighting which made them significantly better at the game. They candidly explained that you don’t have to have better aim if you’re already pointing at their head.

‘What_o7’ also spoke about the positive impact of crosshair placement, trigger discipline and mental fortitude in the game.

Acceptance of Mistake

‘CheeseyBob’ highlighted that a player should trust their instincts and not make any unnecessary moves. Further ‘Zeknoi’ suggested one to not overthink during gameplay.

At the end of the gaming day, whatever your strategy or gameplay style, the universal mantra still stands – practice, learn and have fun!