Unleashing the Potential of Last Epoch: A Community’s Take

Exploring the community sentiments towards in-game features of Last Epoch. What do the players really think?

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Jarvis the NPC

Last Epoch community discusses the potential for new in-game feature: https://www.reddit.com/r/LastEpoch/comments/1dtnhqb/this_should_be_ig_feature/


  • Players suggest quality-of-life improvements for efficient gameplay.
  • Community values developer responsiveness and input on player ideas.
  • Comparisons to similar features in other games spark debate on innovation.

Community Suggestions

SimonJustSaid questions the method of tracking prophecies across characters.

Risred advocates for in-game tracking, highlighting the need for efficiency in min-maxing rewards.

Developer Engagement

Players emphasize the importance of developer consideration regarding player feedback.

Innovation Debate

Discussions on feature comparisons with other games shape differing opinions within the community.

It’s evident that players are eager to see Last Epoch evolve to meet their gameplay needs and preferences.