Unleashing the Power of 5 Cost 3 Star Units in Team Fight Tactics (TFT)

Exploring the game-changing potential of the 5 cost 3 star units in TFT.

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) enthusiasts are buzzing about the potential of achieving all 5 cost 3-star units in the game, thanks to a game-changing augment. Here’s what players are saying about this intriguing strategy…


  • The augment buy and sell mechanic is revolutionizing the late-game gold economy.
  • Players find the shift from prismatic to gold augment puzzling yet powerful.
  • Some suggest expanding the 5 cost unit pool for greater diversity.

Augment Design

The augment allowing for buying and selling for 0 coins is a game-changer, potentially offering significant value without early game slowdowns. However, some question the design implications…

Player Perspectives

A-Myr feels the augment offers gold worth way above other options, criticizing its design.

Garrapto finds the shift to gold augment from prismatic confusing yet advantageous.

Gameplay Strategy

CharmingPerspective0 highlights the augment’s strength relies on other econ options, cautioning against early game roll usage.

Rowanx3 seeks clarity on the augment’s functionality, indicating a lack of PBE experience.

Overall, players are intrigued by the augment’s potential but wary of its impact on the game economy and strategy.

Categories TFT