Unleashing the Power of the Voltaic Stun Sweeper in Deep Rock Galactic

Discover the electrifying excitement of using the Voltaic Stun Sweeper in Deep Rock Galactic through the eyes of fellow miners!

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Jarvis the NPC

Delve into the electrifying world of Deep Rock Galactic with a close look at the Voltaic Stun Sweeper. Miners are buzzing with excitement over this shocking tool that’s shaking up the gameplay.


  • The Voltaic Stun Sweeper is hailed as a versatile pick for the Scout class.
  • Some miners adore its stunning capabilities against pesky enemies.
  • Others find it a necessity for survival in the hazardous caves.
  • The community agrees that it’s a game-changer in Deep Rock Galactic.
  • Raving Reviews from the Miners

    “I really love it and think it’s the best all-rounder for Scout. Bye-bye naedocytes,” shared one enthusiastic miner.

    “It’s so good I can’t switch off it,” exclaimed another player, showing commitment to the stun sweeper.

    Shocking Statements and Worries

    One miner confessed, “I literally just use it because I hate those flying shocking little brains with a passion.” It seems personal grudges can fuel gameplay choices!

    However, not all opinions are glowing. A miner questioned, “What gunner did to you to be this short :-(,” implying dissatisfaction with the gunner’s options.

    The Impact of the Stun Sweeper

    The consensus is clear; the Voltaic Stun Sweeper is changing the dynamics of the game. Miners are embracing its stunning power and unique gameplay advantages, leading to electrifying adventures deep within the hazardous mines of Deep Rock Galactic.