Unlock Exclusive Rewards in Skull and Bones with Twitch Extension Codes

Discover how to unlock exclusive rewards in Skull and Bones with these Twitch Extension codes. Don't miss out on special items and bonuses!

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones players, rejoice! A generous streamer has shared a bunch of Twitch Extension Reward codes for exclusive in-game goodies. Read on to find out how you can get your hands on these special items and enhance your gaming experience in Skull and Bones!


  • Streamer /u/UndeadSquirrelKing/ explained how to unlock exclusive Twitch Extension Reward codes
  • Codes include Ship Pet: Meilin, Emblem: Confidant’s Reverie, Sail Colour: Confidant’s Plume, Sail Pattern: Confidant’s marking, Hull Colour: Confidant’s Splendor
  • Codes can be redeemed at [https://redeem.ubisoft.com/skull-and-bones/](https://redeem.ubisoft.com/skull-and-bones/) for 200 redemptions each
  • Players expressed gratitude for the codes and shared their successful redemptions

Unlock Exclusive Rewards with Twitch Extension Codes

If you’ve been playing Skull and Bones, you’re in for a treat! One Reddit user going by the nickname /u/vipeness/ has been streaming the game and collecting Twitch Extension Reward codes to share with the community. These codes unlock exclusive in-game items and bonuses that can enhance your piracy adventures on the high seas.

The streamer was initially having trouble finding the codes but received assistance from another generous streamer, /u/UndeadSquirrelKing/. With their guidance, /u/vipeness/ managed to compile a list of codes and shared them in a new post. However, these codes are in high demand, and many of them are already close to being redeemed.

The Twitch Extension Reward codes for Skull and Bones are redeemable for various exclusive items. Here’s a breakdown of the codes and the items they unlock:

  • Ship Pet: Meilin (every day)
    These codes grant you a cute and loyal companion to join you on your pirate adventures. Make sure to redeem them quickly, as they are being snatched up fast.
  • Emblem: Confidant’s Reverie (Feb 13-14)
    This particular code has already been fully redeemed, so unfortunately, you’ll have to find other ways to showcase your confidence as a pirate.
  • Sail Colour: Confidant’s Plume (FEB 15-16)
    With this code, you can customize your ship’s sails with an elegant and striking color palette that will surely make you stand out on the open seas.

Two other codes for Sail Pattern: Confidant’s marking and Hull Colour: Confidant’s Splendor have not been made available yet, but keep an eye out for updates from /u/vipeness/ on the availability of these codes.

The generosity of /u/vipeness/ in sharing these codes has been well-received by the Skull and Bones community. Players have been expressing their gratitude for the opportunity to unlock exclusive rewards and have shared their successful redemptions in the comments.

One user, Stereosexual, successfully claimed the Meilin pet code and the Confidant’s Plume. They were so appreciative of the shared codes that they decided to follow /u/vipeness/ on Twitch as a way of saying thanks.

Another player, Nobanob, proudly announced that they managed to redeem the sails and pet codes, expressing their excitement with fire and heart emojis. It’s clear that these exclusive rewards are highly sought after among Skull and Bones players.

Even players who were unable to redeem the codes expressed their appreciation. Senju_DUchiha thanked /u/vipeness/ for sharing the codes and mentioned that they were now following the streamer on Twitch.

Overall, the response to the Twitch Extension Reward codes for Skull and Bones has been overwhelmingly positive. Players are enjoying the opportunity to enhance their gaming experience with exclusive items and bonuses. The community’s gratitude towards /u/vipeness/ for sharing these codes is a testament to the positive impact they have had on the player base.