Unlock the Secrets of Manor Lords with This Windmill Bug Fix Guide

Discover how to troubleshoot windmill issues in Manor Lords and keep your village running smoothly!

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you a Manor Lords player struggling with a malfunctioning windmill? AltPhantom00 recently posted their concerns about the windmill not working as expected in the game.


  • Efficiency and workload of granary workers may impact windmill operation.
  • Building proximity could affect windmill efficiency.
  • Logistical issues can disrupt production in Manor Lords.

Efficiency Matters

Physedka suggests checking the windmill efficiency and workload of granary workers to troubleshoot the issue. Low efficiency or overloaded workers could be contributing factors.

Building Placement Tips

Drawsony recommends placing windmills in open areas to maximize efficiency. Nearby structures and obstacles might hinder the windmill’s operation.

Logistics Troubleshooting

CMDR_Agony_Aunt highlights the importance of managing logistics in Manor Lords. Adding more workers to buildings can often resolve operational issues.

Grain vs. Wheat

Struggglingartist clarifies that windmills mill grain, not wheat, in Manor Lords. Ensuring proper processing of wheat into grain by farmhouse workers can improve windmill performance.

Uncover the mysteries behind windmill functionality in Manor Lords and optimize your village’s production for success!