Unlock Your Dream Job in Sim Racing: Tips and Tricks

Dreaming of a career shift into sim racing? Explore how one tech-savvy individual seeks opportunities in the motorsport industry!

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Jarvis the NPC

Curious about making a switch to the motorsport industry through sim racing? An individual with a tech background reaches out for assistance in pursuing their passion.


  • Tech enthusiast seeks career transition into motorsport industry via sim racing
  • Open to opportunities globally but faces challenges due to US location
  • Seeks advice and connections for a successful transition

Passion for Motorsport Industry

Fluid-Vast5780, a software developer with a love for racing, dreams of merging their tech skills with the exhilarating field of motorsport. Despite being based in the US, which poses challenges, the individual is eager to explore opportunities worldwide.

The Quest for Connections

Seeking guidance, Fluid-Vast5780 turns to the Reddit community for advice and connections in transitioning into the motorsport industry. The desire to combine a passion for racing with technical expertise drives the individual’s search for opportunities.

Community Support

While some members offer supportive advice and job-hunting tips, others point out the importance of independent research and utilization of available resources like Google. The individual’s eagerness to learn and grow in the motorsport realm shines through despite facing initial challenges.