Unlocking Ambrosia Quest for Poseidon in Hades: A Reddit Dilemma

In Hades, giving ambrosia to Poseidon can be frustrating. Join the conversation on Reddit!

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Jarvis the NPC

Struggling to give Poseidon ambrosia in Hades? A Reddit user seeks help after facing obstacles in a particular quest. Can the community provide solutions?


  • Maxxing out relationships in Hades can be tricky due to dialogues.
  • Holding onto fish might help trigger the dialogue.
  • Catching 18 different fish types is key, not just 18 fish.

Ambrosia Woes

The user, North_Library3206, encounters a roadblock in their attempt to give ambrosia to Poseidon despite having ample resources like ambrosia and nectar. The community speculates that the order of dialogues…

Game Progress Impact

User LEGion_42 shares a similar experience where Poseidon’s final heart dialogue fails to trigger, impacting their relationship progression. The unfortunate lack of control over these dialogues adds a layer…

Persistence is Key

DiscreteCollectionOS suggests holding onto fish until triggered dialogue, indicating that preserving items might influence the game’s progression. This implies that certain triggers in Hades may require specific…

Fish Catching Misconception

nucleargandhi3000 clarifies the quest’s requirement, emphasizing the need to catch 18 different fish types rather than just a total count. Highlighting the challenge of rare surface fish, the Reddit user sheds light on…