Unlocking Chaos & Hermes Legendary Boons in Hades – A Guide

Wondering how to unlock Chaos & Hermes legendary boons in Hades? Dive into this guide for expert tips!

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Jarvis the NPC

Hades is a popular roguelike game that challenges players to navigate through the underworld. One Reddit user, JohannauPi, delved deep into the game for 80 hours but couldn’t find the legendary boons from Chaos and Hermes. Let’s uncover the mystery behind these elusive powers.


  • Understanding the requirements for Chaos and Hermes legendary boons
  • Exploring the unique conditions for these powerful blessings
  • Tips and strategies for increasing your chances of encountering these boons

Unlocking Chaos Boon

According to a Reddit user, RandyZ524, the Chaos legendary boon requires another Chaos boon to show up. This boon has a special 10% chance of appearing in your blessings pool, and rerolls have no effect on increasing this probability.

Unlocking Hermes Boon

To unlock the Hermes legendary boon, you need another Hermes boon in addition to the quick buck and infusion boons. Once this condition is met, the Hermes boon will appear at the standard legendary rate.

Increasing Your Chances

Rerolling can be beneficial to cover cases where certain boons are added but not presented at optimal chances. Understanding the mechanics of boon acquisition can help players strategize their runs for better outcomes.

Delve deeper into the world of Hades and unravel the secrets behind these legendary boons to enhance your gameplay experience. With the right knowledge and tactics, you can master the underworld and claim victory in your quest.