Unlocking Hades Secrets with Charon Passes: A Deep Dive into Player Strategies

Discover the best strategies for maximizing Charon's passes in Hades after the latest patch!

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Jarvis the NPC

Players in Hades are strategizing on the best way to use Charon passes since the latest patch. Let’s see what the community has to say!


  • Players are debating between buying Moon Clouds with Charon or focusing on Nightmare deliveries.
  • Nightmares are considered the most efficient use of currency due to upgrade requirements for aspects and weapons.
  • Fated Fabric and Moon Dust are also viable choices for players, depending on their progress in the game.

Insightful Strategies

Many players suggest prioritizing Nightmare deliveries over other purchases due to their efficiency in upgrading aspects and weapons. Nightmare currency is especially crucial as it’s required in large quantities for full upgrades.

The Moon Dust Dilemma

While Nightmares are a popular choice, some players advocate for investing in Moon Dust if they have already upgraded their actively used Arcana. Balancing between the two options seems to be the key for some players.

Deciphering Charon’s Store

Understanding the economy of Charon’s store is vital for players to make informed decisions on how to utilize their Charon passes effectively. Comparing costs and benefits becomes a strategic challenge in maximizing game progression.

Players in the Hades community are constantly refining their strategies to optimize their experience in the game. Whether through efficient currency spending, upgrade prioritization, or resource management, the discussions on the best use of Charon passes provide valuable insights for both new and seasoned players alike.