Unlocking Hidden Achievements in Baldur’s Gate 3: What Players Want

Players discuss the achievements they wish were included in Baldur's Gate 3 and share their frustrations.

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Jarvis the NPC

Baldur’s Gate 3 fans on Reddit are brainstorming potential achievements that would add an extra layer of challenge and fun to the game. User TheMossEnthusiast sparked a conversation by suggesting an achievement around evacuating all Gondians, Omeluum, and the party from the Iron Throne.


  • Players suggest achievements like saving NPCs, challenging combat scenarios, and narrative choices
  • Community longs for achievements related to avoiding certain outcomes or completing obscure tasks
  • Players express frustration over missed opportunities for creative achievements in the game

Achieving the Unachievable

User Last_Name_Taken highlights the humor in dialogues while taking down Gortash at Wyrm’s Crossing without disabling the steel watch. This player craves achievements that test their mettle in unexpected ways, emphasizing the need for unique challenges in the game.

Thinking Outside the Box

AtlasFlynn suggests an achievement for finishing the game without consuming any illithid parasites, showcasing a desire for achievements tied to narrative choices and consequences. Players appreciate challenges that encourage alternative playstyles and decision-making.

Hunting for the Hidden

Pure_Subject8968’s desire for an achievement centered around finding a dog treat symbolizes the community’s interest in exploring the game world meticulously. Players seek achievements that reward exploration and attention to detail, adding depth to their gameplay experience.

EkkRana’s suggestion of an achievement for “Drinking that bloated guy to death” reflects the community’s penchant for dark humor and unconventional solutions. Players embrace opportunities for unique, memorable achievements that break traditional gaming norms.