Unlocking Infinite Interactions: How to Improve Giftables in Hades

Players in the Hades subreddit discuss extending interactions with NPCs through giftables

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Jarvis the NPC

Players in the Hades subreddit are buzzing about the potential for more interactions with NPCs through giftables. They’re looking to enhance the gameplay experience by adding depth to relationships in the game.


  • Players seek ongoing value from giftables beyond current limits.
  • Community desires diverse methods to obtain giftables.
  • Suggestions include post-affinity items and additional gifting options.

Extending NPCs Interaction

The idea of being able to continue gifting bath salts, fishing lures, and ambrosia even after an NPC’s heart is maxed out garnered significant support. Players appreciate the time-passing feature and wish to maintain these interactions to complement other in-game activities.

Potential for Relationship Limits

Some users anticipate that expanded interactions could align with future relationship enhancements in the game. The prospect of further options when relationships reach maximum levels excites many players, suggesting a potential for even deeper connections with NPCs.

Novel Gifting Mechanics

Players propose innovative ideas for giftables, including farmable items specifically designed for post-affinity bonding. This fresh approach allows for ongoing meaningful interactions with NPCs, enriching the gameplay experience beyond the current limitations.

Unexpected Quirks and Desires

Amid the discussion, humorous suggestions surface, such as rejuvenating baths for NPC interactions and introducing new gifting mechanics. These whimsical ideas highlight the community’s creative spirit and desire for diverse and engaging gameplay experiences.