Unlocking NPC Bonds in Hades: A Player’s Dilemma

Players in Hades face a perplexing issue with NPC bonds.

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Jarvis the NPC

Players of the popular game Hades are experiencing a puzzling situation regarding NPC bonds. One player, Dealer_Of_Asparagus, shared their dilemma on Reddit. They mentioned that despite maxing out Dusa’s hearts, the bond with her hasn’t been forged yet. The question arises – is this a glitch that needs reporting, or should patience be exercised?


  • Players in Hades may face delays in forging NPC bonds, requiring additional dialogue or specific in-game conditions.
  • Community advice suggests patience and continued interaction with the character to progress with the bond.
  • Hades is praised for its stability, with players encouraged to persist in gameplay to unlock various features.

Unlocking Dusa’s Bond: The Dialog Dilemma

Player advice emphasizes the importance of consistent interaction with Dusa to trigger the bonding event. User ‘unexplainedbacn’ advises further dialogue after heart-maxing, indicating a requirement for extended conversations to solidify the bond. This sheds light on the nuanced mechanics underlying NPC relationships in Hades.

Game Stability and Player Guidance

Community member ‘the_quark’ hails the game’s reliability, exhorting players to engage more with the game to uncover its intricacies. The sentiment of ‘play more’ resonates among players as a solution to many in-game puzzles, showcasing Hades’ expansive gameplay possibilities.

Navigating NPC Relationships: A Strategic Approach

Radiating guidance, user ‘RadioactiveSalt’ outlines a strategic approach to fostering Dusa’s bond. By highlighting the conditions necessitating the presence of both Meg and Than during a run, players gain a tactical insight into unlocking this particular NPC connection. The emphasis on strategizing further enriches the player experience in Hades.