Unlocking Possibilities in Hades: Post-Game Speculations and Sentiments

Hades subreddit buzzes with speculations on post-game dynamics - fans weigh in with mixed emotions and excitement!

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Jarvis the NPC

Delving into the realms of Hades, fans are speculating on post-game dynamics, offering intriguing insights on potential game continuations. How can the game evolve beyond its current state?


  • The narrative continuation in Hades 2 sparks debates on the necessity of reasons for runs to continue.
  • Players ponder alternative creature possessions post-Cerberus freedom, adding a whimsical touch to the loop mechanic.
  • The exploration of game mechanics post-endgame stirs both joy and concern among fans.

Unlocking New Narratives

Reddit user, SuperfluousWingspan, highlights the unique approach of Hades 1 in justifying run continuations, emphasizing the player’s investment in both gameplay and narrative evolution. While some players may prioritize a cohesive storyline over continued runs, unlocking new narratives could enhance the overall gaming experience.

The Possession Play

BlueTrin2020 introduces a playful suggestion of battling a paper dog post-Cerberus liberation, showcasing the community’s creativity in imagining diverse gameplay elements. This humorous twist on creature possessions sheds light on the potential for innovative post-game mechanics in Hades.

Cerberus’ Whimsy

Kuhneel touches upon Cerberus’ ambiguous nature post-fight, hinting at the dog’s playful demeanor as a reason for returning to the fields. This observation adds a layer of depth to the game’s lore, inviting players to speculate on the aftereffects of key encounters.

The ongoing discussions within the Hades subreddit reflect a vibrant community invested in the game’s narrative potential and evolving gameplay dynamics. As fans explore diverse possibilities for post-game scenarios, the excitement and engagement surrounding Hades continue to flourish.