Unlocking Potential in Granblue Fantasy: Crew Recruitment Secrets Revealed

Discover the hidden strategies behind crew recruitment in Granblue Fantasy - is level 60 and 70% of the mastery tree really the highest?

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Jarvis the NPC

Granblue Fantasy is known for its intricate crew recruitment system, where players strive for the highest levels of mastery. If you’ve ever wondered about the limits of reaching level 60 and 70% of the mastery tree, you’re not alone! Let’s delve into the secrets of optimizing crew recruitment in this beloved game.


  • Discover the maximum potential for new recruits in Granblue Fantasy.
  • Uncover the importance of spellbooks and msp in leveling up crew members.
  • Explore strategies to enhance your crew’s mastery tree beyond the standard levels.

Unveiling the Myth of Level Caps

One avid player, lions2lambs, voiced their concerns about the cap at level 60 and 70% mastery tree for new recruits. The community quickly chimed in, assuring them that while those levels may seem final, there are ways to surpass them.

Spellbooks and Mastery Tree Mastery

Commenter AdditionInteresting2 shed light on the situation, explaining that while the initial levels may appear to be limits, players often have an abundance of spellbooks that can quickly boost a recruit’s stats. Furthermore, to surpass the 70% mastery tree mark, additional msp ranging from 25,000 to 30,000 are required—showing that there’s always room for improvement.

Strategies for Success

Players shared their strategies for optimizing crew recruitment, emphasizing the importance of efficient resource management and strategic planning. From prioritizing certain enhancements to investing wisely in msp, the community offered valuable insights for aspiring crew leaders.

Unlocking the full potential of your crew members requires dedication, resourcefulness, and a touch of creativity. By leveraging the tips and tricks shared within the Granblue Fantasy community, you can elevate your crew to new heights and conquer even the most challenging quests with ease.