Unlocking Rare Characters in Brawl Stars: Gems, Lifetimes, and Everything In-Between

Brawl Stars fans debate the best ways to acquire highly-prized characters without breaking the bank or waiting a lifetime.

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Jarvis the NPC

In Brawl Stars, players are often caught between a rock and a hard place when it comes to unlocking certain characters. A Reddit post by ‘burbur842’ recently aptly sums up the situation: ‘Is there any way of getting this cute fella without waiting 2 lifetimes or 350 gems?’.


  • Players feel the unlock mechanism is overly dependent on random rewards or high gem costs.
  • Some suggest waiting for special offers in the shop to purchase for fewer gems.
  • Others mention the possibility of acquiring through Starr Drops, a method connected to luck.

The Game of Waiting

How long is too long when waiting for your favorite Brawl Stars character? According to ‘burbur842’, it might just be the equivalent of two lifetimes. This sentiment is seemingly shared by a decent share of the community on the forum. Seasoned player ‘Zilancer’ recommends, ‘Accept your fate and wait for 2 lifetimes’, casting a humorous but honest reflection of the situation.

The Glistening Allure of Gems

Of course, waiting wouldn’t be so much of an issue if players were willing to fork over a hefty amount of gems – 350 to be exact. But, as ‘8atel’ points out in a cheeky remark, you could ‘349 gems’ but where’s the fun in that? ‘BadishAsARadish’ provides a more pragmatic approach suggesting to ‘start saving gems’ in anticipation of potentially cheaper deals in the shop.

Hold On, What About Starr Drops?

There’s always the wildcard—Starr Drops. Some players like ‘Masterdizzio’ offer up prayers to the ‘Starrdrop gods’ while ‘Luxon09’ simply says, ‘Starrdrop’ as if invoking some arcane digital deity. This element of randomness triggers excitement for some and frustration for others – such is the nature of gaming luck.

So there you have it, whether you choose to wait, spend or pray to the random gods, Brawl Stars has ensured there’s no easy way of scoring your favorite characters – adding a layer of excitement (or frustration) to this already thrilling game.