Unlocking the Coveted Caliban + Liar Roll: A Destiny 2 Hunter’s Journey

After 50+ runs of Dual Destiny and days of chest farming, one player finally achieves the elusive Caliban + Liar roll. Read about the grind!

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Jarvis the NPC

Embark on the thrilling journey of attaining the sought-after Caliban + Liar roll in Destiny 2. For one skilled player, persistence paid off as they conquered Dual Destiny and endured intense chest farming to secure this prized Hunter exotic cloak combination.


  • Conquering the grind for the Caliban + Liar roll in Destiny 2 is an arduous feat that tests players’ patience and resilience.
  • Players express mixed feelings of frustration, achievement, and envy as they share their own experiences with the elusive roll.
  • The community’s dedication to obtaining coveted gear showcases the depth of commitment among Destiny 2 players.

SoggyEmergency2680’s Triumph

After numerous trials running Dual Destiny and extensive chest farming, SoggyEmergency2680 celebrates obtaining the Caliban + Liar roll for their Hunter exotic cloak. The sense of accomplishment after such a grueling pursuit is palpable in their post.

Frustration and Envy

Other players like AsunaTokisaki and DanteAlligheriZ share their struggles, with AsunaTokisaki highlighting the grind’s frustrating nature and DanteAlligheriZ expressing disbelief at the roll’s existence. These contrasting reactions capture the emotional rollercoaster of pursuing coveted gear in Destiny 2.

Community Support

The Destiny 2 community rallies around players like SoggyEmergency2680, offering insights and questions like River-n-Sea’s inquiry about the roll’s mechanics with Monte Carlo. Vast_Sir_8643’s enthusiastic declaration and SukaLaMinka’s relief upon finally obtaining the roll resonate with the shared joy and relief within the community.