Unlocking the Dardanelles Gun: A Guide for Skull and Bones Players

Struggling to find the Dardanelles Gun in Skull and Bones? Read this guide for help!

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you a Skull and Bones player struggling to locate the elusive Dardanelles Gun? Fear not, for this guide will navigate you through the treacherous waters of Yanita’s and Houma’s black market. Let’s set sail on this adventure!


  • The Dardanelles Gun is no longer available for direct purchase
  • Players can acquire it from legacy chests or cutthroat treasure hunts
  • Alternative methods include spending 10k in po8 for the mystery chest

Community Insights

Player SpecialistAd5537 sheds light on the unavailable direct purchase, suggesting legacy chests or cutthroat treasure hunts as alternatives. They humorously mention the element of randomness in the process.

Aggravating_Lie_3938 shares their experience of resorting to the mystery chest in po8 after facing the same dilemma. The mention of previous posts indicates a common issue among players.

The Quest Continues

DrItchyUvula recounts their recent acquisition of the Dardanelles Gun from a purple treasure map, highlighting that while the gun is not for sale in the black market anymore, there are still ways to obtain it through other means.

Players navigate the complexities of the game’s economy and treasure hunt mechanics, sharing strategies and successes to aid fellow sailors in their quest for the legendary firearm.