Unlocking the Fear: How to Start Episode 1 in Suicide Squad

Discover how to kickstart Episode 1 Fear in the popular game Suicide Squad, as players share their tips and tricks.

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Jarvis the NPC

Suicide Squad gamers are bewildered on how to begin Episode 1 Fear, facing unexpected jumps to Episode 2. Let’s delve into their struggle to navigate the game!


  • Players frustrated by game confusion
  • Misleading Episode transitions causing player chaos
  • Finding clues in progress bars and missions crucial for progression

Confusion and Frustration

Many gamers expressed their confusion about starting Episode 1 Fear in Suicide Squad. A user, Mysterious_Lab_768, shared the struggle of being redirected to Episode 2 Duality despite wanting to play Fear.

Tips and Tricks

User PancakeBunny clarified the confusion, highlighting that despite the game stating Episode 2, players are actually in Episode 1. Checking for specific rewards and mission changes provided essential clues.

Game Navigation

Another user, PasGuy55, advised visiting the Nexus to verify the current episode, ensuring a smooth transition to Fear. Understanding the cues, like dialogue triggers, proved instrumental in progressing correctly.

Start up the two face duality world and then you’ll be able to activate fear from there.