Unlocking the Mysteries of the Dread in Destiny 2: What Do They Say?

Join the hunt as Destiny 2 players decipher the mysterious language of the Dread enemies.

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Jarvis the NPC

In Destiny 2, players are on a quest to decode the cryptic messages of the Dread enemies. What secrets lie within their enigmatic language?


  • Players speculate on the translations of the Dread’s language.
  • Community members share humorous interpretations and theories.
  • Some players believe they have caught glimpses of the Dread’s true meaning.
  • Others recount amusing encounters with the enigmatic foes.

Deciphering the Enigma

The cryptic language of the Dread has sparked curiosity among Destiny 2 players, with many attempting to unravel its meanings. Some believe the enemies are speaking in a coded language, while others see it as random gibberish.

Humorous Interpretations

Community members have taken a light-hearted approach to deciphering the Dread’s speech, with amusing theories ranging from references to popular songs to playful insults.

Glimpses of Truth

Despite the playful banter, some players claim to have discerned snippets of the Dread’s true intentions, hearing phrases that hint at their sinister nature.

Encounters with the Unknown

Players recount humorous moments when facing the Dread, from being taunted as they fall off the map to hearing unexpected remarks in different languages.