Unlocking the Mystery Behind Genshin Impact’s Controversial IT Mode

Discover why Genshin Impact's latest IT mode has players divided. Is it really as restrictive as they claim?

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact players are divided over the mysterious IT mode. Some find it rewarding, while others feel it falls short. Let’s dive into the debate.


  • IT mode invites mixed reactions; from loving the challenge to finding it underwhelming.
  • Players debate the mode’s restrictiveness, with some praising its strategic depth.
  • Issues around team synergy and character variety spark discussions.

Genshin Impact Fans’ Diverse Perspectives

Genshin Impact’s latest IT mode has stirred up a variety of opinions among players, demonstrating the contrasting experiences within the community. While some players, like u/avarageusername, see the mode as an exciting challenge that rewards long-term investment and strategizing, others, such as u/Driannos, feel that it lacks sufficient content and falls short of their expectations.

Exploring Player Sentiments

Across the subreddit, comments showcase a spectrum of sentiments. While some players appreciate the depth and strategy required in IT mode, others express frustrations over its perceived limitations. For instance, u/Dejavir notes how the mode favors different playstyles, catering to those who prefer honing a few characters to perfection rather than diversifying their roster.

Team Synergy and Diverse Builds

One common thread among players is the emphasis on team synergy and the impact it has on gameplay enjoyment. While some players relish the challenge of crafting unique and unconventional teams, like u/beautheschmo, who enjoys the creativity it sparks, others, such as u/Educational-Lake-199, find the restrictions stifling and prefer more customization.

The debate around character variety and building choices adds another layer to the discussion. Players like u/robhans25 question the target audience for the mode, highlighting the potential disconnect between casual and hardcore players in their reception of IT.

In conclusion, Genshin Impact’s IT mode has sparked a wealth of discussions and differing perspectives among its player base. Whether viewed as a test of skill and adaptability or criticized for its perceived limitations, the mode continues to be a subject of controversy within the community.