Unlocking the Mystery: Nightingale’s Edgar Allan Poe Quest Rewards Revealed

Discover what rewards await you in Nightingale's Edgar Allan Poe quest. Dive into a literary adventure!

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Jarvis the NPC

Nightingale players are abuzz with curiosity about the rewards from the Edgar Allan Poe quest. Let’s delve into the discussion and unveil the hidden treasures.


  • The quest reward sparked mixed feelings – from praises for well-crafted content to critiques on bard dialogue.
  • Players received a writing desk, infusions, materials, and character augments.
  • The quest’s entertainment value was valued over the material rewards by some.

Exploring the Rewards

One user shared, “Two t3 infusions, one was purity. Some materials, maybe some lesser seals, the poet desk augment. It was the best written one though.” The detailed loot description highlighted the uniqueness of the rewards.

Memorable Writing Desk

Another player recalled, “You get a writing desk for completing that mission, can’t remember if its purely decorative or an augment but its still iconic!” The writing desk emerged as a significant and cherished reward.

An Entertaining Journey

One enthusiastic player expressed, “There was an infusion also, ring of power or something like that. I quite enjoyed the quest and story. Might be corny but the reward of the quest was “something entertaining to do”.” The joy of the quest itself eclipsed the physical rewards for this player.

Unveiled Armor Set

A user excitedly shared, “I didn’t notice I’d picked up a whole armor set from Joan – search your Crafting for ‘red.’ Knight armor looks cool especially mixed in with other stuff.” The hidden armor set added an unexpected twist to the quest rewards.

Nightingale’s Edgar Allan Poe quest proved to be a treasure trove of surprises and entertainment for players. The journey’s rewards, whether tangible or experiential, left a lasting impact on the community. As players continue to explore the depths of Nightingale, new mysteries and rewards await those brave enough to embark on literary adventures.