Unlocking the Mystery of Genshin Impact Character Models

Why are Genshin Impact fans discussing character measurements in a world of identical models?

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Jarvis the NPC

Ever wonder why Genshin Impact characters are taking measurements when they all have allegedly the same 3D model? Let’s dive into this intriguing discussion!


  • Characters in Genshin Impact may share a base model but can have unique features.
  • The community is divided on the relevance of character measurements in the game.
  • Differences in character heights and proportions add to the complexity of models.

Unlocking the Mystery

Some players believe that character measurements are crucial for understanding the nuances of each character’s design. Despite sharing a base skeleton, unique models set them apart from one another.

Different Perspectives

While some argue that measuring characters is unnecessary due to shared models, others appreciate the details that measurements can reveal about their favorite characters. The debate continues as players explore the intricacies of character design.

Community Insights

Genshin Impact’s community is known for its attention to detail, and discussions like these showcase the passion fans have for unraveling the game’s mysteries. From debunking myths to analyzing character models, players are always on the hunt for clues that deepen their understanding of the game’s world.