Unlocking the Mystery of Missing Characters in Hades – A Reddit Investigation

Exploring the enigmatic absence of characters in Hades' book of shadows sparks debate among players.

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Jarvis the NPC

Delving into the mysteries of the underworld, players in the Hades community have stumbled upon a curious conundrum – certain characters seem to be missing from the ominous book of shadows. What could this absence signify?


  • Players speculate on the significance of characters missing from the book of shadows.
  • Community members offer insights into the sorting of characters under different categories.
  • The unfinished nature of the story in early access adds to the mystery.

Unlock the Secrets

Regarding the absence of >Medea and Circe in the book of shadows, user RealBotella111 suggests that they do appear but are sorted under a different section known as ‘The Unseen.’ Interacting more with them may unveil their entries.

User Gorafy sheds light on the categorization of characters, explaining that some figures are placed under ‘The Unseen’ category rather than ‘Others of Note,’ adding to the intrigue surrounding these mythical beings.

Early Access Enigma

As user Jaaaco-j points out, the unfolding storyline of Hades’ early access phase might explain the absence of certain characters in the book of shadows. The narrative is still a work in progress, leaving room for further developments.

In response to queries about the authorship of the book, user RadioactiveSalt sparks speculation by mentioning Achilles as the writer in the first Hades installment, raising questions about who now composes the lore in Hades 2.

Dev’s Domain

User DM_Exeres clarifies that the missing entries in the book of shadows are not a bug but rather attributed to the game’s early access status. The developers have yet to populate the entries, adding an air of mystery as players await future updates.

The discussions in the Hades subreddit highlight the community’s fascination with unraveling the intricacies of the game’s lore and mechanics, showcasing the camaraderie and curiosity that bind players together in their quest for knowledge. As the underworld’s secrets slowly unfold, players eagerly await the next chapter in this enthralling saga.