Unlocking the Mystery of Sakurajima: A Palworld Speculation

Dive into the discussion about Sakurajima in Palworld - is it a new island or part of the current map?

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Jarvis the NPC

Palworld players are abuzz with speculation about Sakurajima. Is it a hidden continent or just another island to explore? Let’s dig into the details!


  • Players debate whether Sakurajima is a new continent or part of the current map.
  • Speculation arises on whether Sakurajima will be a free update or paid DLC.
  • Clues from the teaser trailer hint at Sakurajima being an island but connected to the existing map.

The Island Continent Conundrum

Palworld fans are split on the nature of Sakurajima, with some hoping for a whole new continent to explore while others anticipate it to be an extension of the current map. User ‘Giizmo17’ kicks off the debate by questioning its identity.

Free Update or Paid DLC?

Concerns about whether Sakurajima will be a free update or a paid DLC arise, prompting speculation on the game’s future content delivery strategy. User ‘NoruhhhsDad’ raises this intriguing question, sparking a discussion on player expectations.

Teaser Trailer Clues

Analysis of the teaser trailer leads players to believe that Sakurajima may indeed be a new island connected to the existing map. User ‘Big_Training6081’ presents an insightful observation about the geographical features shown in the trailer, fueling anticipation for the upcoming content.

Player theories and interpretations add depth to the excitement surrounding Sakurajima, as Palworld enthusiasts eagerly await further details from the developers. The community’s lively engagement reflects a shared passion for exploration and discovery within the game’s evolving world.