Unlocking the Power: How Players React to the Latest Update in Hades

Discover how players are feeling about the new infusion element system in Hades and its impact on gameplay.

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Jarvis the NPC

Hades players are buzzing with excitement over the recent infusion element changes. The addition of new ways to obtain infusions has sparked a wave of discussions and theories across the community.


  • Players appreciate the new infusion element system for enhancing gameplay diversity.
  • The update incentivizes resource farming and makes meta resource doors more appealing.
  • Some players feel that certain boons are now more viable due to these changes.

Hype and Approval

Commenters like windstorm881 and Wave57 express their satisfaction with the new system, highlighting increased viability for previously underutilized aspects of the game.

Concerns and Suggestions

AlternativeShadows and SageModeSpiritGun raise interesting points about specific elements and potential enhancements, showcasing a desire for further refinements.

Back to the Drawing Board

AXELUnholy’s comment reveals a mixed sentiment, pointing out a potential issue with Born Gain that requires additional adjustments for balance.

The community’s feedback reflects a mix of enthusiasm, constructive criticism, and overall positivity towards the latest update in Hades. Players are eagerly exploring the new possibilities and considering the implications for their strategies and gameplay experiences.