Unlocking the Secrets of Abiotic Factor: What to Do with Jailbroken CPUs

Discover the hidden uses of jailbroken CPUs in Abiotic Factor and take your gameplay to the next level.

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you puzzling over what to do with all those jailbroken CPUs in Abiotic Factor? Well, fret not, as we dive into the depths of this conundrum to unveil the mysteries behind these seemingly useless items that are cluttering your storage.


  • Jailbroken CPUs are crucial for unlocking higher-tier science items in the game.
  • These items can be traded or crafted into valuable components like Memory Bricks.
  • Players recommend holding onto jailbroken CPUs for future use, indicating their significance in advanced gameplay.

The Enigma of Jailbroken CPUs

In the virtual realm of Abiotic Factor, the presence of jailbroken CPUs triggers a wave of uncertainty among players. RedOwl3245’s dilemma sparks a lively discussion within the community, with users offering varied perspectives and strategies.

The Key to Advanced Technology

One user, jaggedscumbag, sheds light on the hidden potential of jailbroken CPUs. These elusive items serve as a vital component in unlocking the coveted keypad hacker tier 3, hinting at a deeper layer of progression in the game.

A Glimpse into the Future

As waffleslaw speculates about the future utility of jailbroken CPUs, the sense of anticipation grows within the player base. Could these seemingly redundant items hold the key to future advancements or upgrades?

Strategic Planning and Resource Management

kito_g’s insight into the strategic importance of jailbroken CPUs resonates with players aiming for long-term success in Abiotic Factor. The value of these items becomes apparent as the prospect of crafting high-tier science items looms on the horizon.

Whether you choose to stockpile these jailbroken CPUs for future endeavors or experiment with different crafting options, the decision ultimately shapes your journey in Abiotic Factor. The collective wisdom of the community illuminates the path forward, offering a blend of strategic advice and creative solutions to optimize your gameplay experience.