Unlocking the Secrets of Hades: Buffing Medea Spawn Rates

Gamers in the Hades community weigh in on the elusive Medea spawn rates and the frustrations they face.

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Jarvis the NPC

Hades players are voicing their concerns about the scarcity of Medea spawns in the game. Many find her appearances to be disappointingly rare, leading to frustration and speculation among the community.


  • Medea’s low spawn rates frustrate players seeking her encounters and boons.
  • Community opinions vary on the balance of NPC spawns between surface and underground locations.
  • RNG plays a significant role in determining player experiences with Medea.

Frustrations with Medea

Players like ‘windstorm881’ express disappointment, stating they have completed multiple runs without encountering Medea, suggesting a need for increased spawn rates to improve gameplay variety and enjoyment.

Community RNG Debate

‘kaleb314’ points out the discrepancies between underground and surface NPC spawns, highlighting the distinct challenges each location presents in encountering characters like Medea.

Player Experiences

‘OfficialAli1776’ shares their frustration at the infrequency of Medea encounters, indicating that despite numerous playthroughs, Medea remains a rarely seen character. This sentiment aligns with the calls for adjustments in spawn rates made by other players.

The discussion surrounding Medea’s spawn rates in Hades showcases the diverse experiences and perspectives within the game’s community. Players grapple with the randomness of encounters, highlighting the delicate balance between game design and player satisfaction.