Unlocking the Secrets of Manor Lords: More Granaries and Storehouses?

Dive into the world of Manor Lords and unravel the mystery of granaries and storehouses!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Manor Lords, managing your resources and market stalls is crucial for success. Player JujuMaster69 seeks advice on whether additional granaries and storehouses are the key to solving supply issues in their thriving settlement.


  • Simply expanding granaries and storehouses may not address market supply issues.
  • Properly allocating stalls for different goods is essential.
  • Consider the type of goods your settlement lacks to make informed decisions.

Exploring the Market Dynamics

In a bustling community like Manor Lords, managing market supply can be a complex puzzle. User drawsony explains that increasing granaries and storehouses might boost surplus storage but won’t guarantee a smooth flow of goods to the market. Understanding the needs of your burgage plots is key to optimizing your stalls.

Optimizing Resource Allocation

Another user, Outside_Round7945, suggests a targeted approach: more granaries for food shortages and additional storehouses for clothing or firewood deficits. This highlights the importance of tailoring your infrastructure to address specific shortages effectively.

Population Insights

User RuralJaywalking raises a critical question about the scale of the settlement, pointing out that 24 stalls may not suffice for a population of 337 families. This prompts a reflection on the balance between supply and demand in Manor Lords.

Ultimately, Manor Lords challenges players to navigate intricate supply chains and balance resource allocation for optimal growth. By considering the unique demands of their settlement, players can unlock the full potential of their flourishing community.