Unlocking the Secrets of Oil Fields in Palworld

Palworld players seek multiple oil fields for better resources. Discover the best locations through community insights and coordination.

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Jarvis the NPC

Palworld players are on a quest for the ultimate oil fields, searching far and wide for bountiful resources to power their ventures.


  • Players are thrilled with new features in Palworld but seek optimal oil field locations for efficiency.
  • Community members offer tips on locations with multiple oil fields, enhancing gameplay.
  • Some locations, like the new island and volcano area, are prime spots for abundant oil resources.
  • Players share their experiences and struggles in finding and managing oil fields for sustainable progress.

Unlocking the New Island’s Wealth

Palworld players have discovered the treasure trove of oil fields on the new island, offering multiple spots to harvest this precious resource. User KonigstigerInSpace recommends exploring this area for a fruitful oil field excursion.

Volcano Area – Goldmine of Oil Fields

TopReasonable2623 sheds light on the volcano area, where players can unearth up to three oil spots, providing a significant boost to their resource gathering endeavors. This hidden gem promises plentiful oil reserves for those brave enough to venture there.

Community Collaboration in Palworld

HasPotatoAim’s confirmation of multiple oil nodes in a specific location not only validates user experiences but also fosters a sense of camaraderie among players. Sharing discoveries and successes in Palworld strengthens the community and enriches the gameplay experience for all.