Unlocking the Secrets of Summons in Baldur’s Gate – A Reddit Discussion

Exploring the summoning limits in Baldur's Gate: Can you truly catch them all?

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Jarvis the NPC

Delve into the world of Baldur’s Gate summons as players discuss the maximum potential for summoning creatures in the game.


  • Players debate the maximum summons in Baldur’s Gate.
  • Community members share tips on maximizing summoning potential.
  • Some suggest utilizing certain classes or techniques for more summons.

The Quest for Maximum Summons

A player on the Baldur’s Gate subreddit, Exciting_Morning1476, shared their dilemma of missing just one zombie for a total of 17 minions. They sought advice on whether it was possible to add more creatures to their summoning roster.

Expert Opinions

The_Scarlet_KingG pointed out that without certain elements, the current summon count was not the maximum achievable. RedcornCompanion suggested an elaborate method involving a spore druid and endless zombie creation from collected corpses.

Unleashing the Summoning Fury

Another player, OccamsBanana, referenced a summoning guide by cRPG Bro, showcasing an impressive collection of summons on-screen. koen1993 humorously suggested boosting the army of minions with spells like aid and longstrider.

Exploring Options

Community members like Its_Big_Fungus highlighted the potential additions like Scratch or options from taking levels in Druid for more summoning variety. Players exchanged strategies on expanding their summoning repertoire.

The discussion on maximizing summons in Baldur’s Gate reflects the creativity and dedication of players in exploring all facets of the game. Players continually push the boundaries of what is possible, striving to uncover new strategies and optimize their gameplay experience.