Unlocking True Power: Rethinking Multipliers and Additives in Diablo

Exploring the impact of multipliers on skill effectiveness in Diablo and potential solutions to enhance gameplay balance.

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Jarvis the NPC

Diablo players have initiated a critical discussion regarding the significance of multipliers on skill performance, emphasizing the need for a shift towards additive effects for better balance and build diversity.


  • The reliance on multipliers limits skill diversity, forcing players into specific builds.
  • Many skills serve as mere prerequisites for stronger multipliers, diminishing their individual impact.
  • The overemphasis on multipliers detracts from player creativity and strategic choices.

Players’ Voices

“Thats why multipliers should be completly removed. Make everything additive. Way easier to balance,” noted razenb, reflecting concerns over the current system’s impact on class balance.

“Multiplicative scaling does not inherently kill build diversity, that’s false, PoE is proof of that,” mentioned CruyffsLegacy, highlighting the importance of balanced scaling mechanics.

“I think you’ve identified a functional real element of the game but I think the focus specifically on multipliers is slightly not the right target,” shared Xeiom, proposing a nuanced approach to addressing the issue.

Potential Solutions

Addressing the imbalance in multipliers and additives could lead to a more diverse and engaging gameplay experience.

Players suggest focusing on reworking balance across all skills or introducing specialized legendaries to enhance skill viability.

Embracing a more generalized approach to damage bonuses could foster creativity and expand build possibilities.

The community advocates for a shift towards additive effects, preserving the essence of skill-based gameplay.

How much more damage do you need to do, pondered PDXB-Side, echoing the sentiment of reconsidering the current damage scaling mechanics in Diablo.