Unlocking Unprecedented Power: Baldur’s Gate High Damage Hits

Discover the jaw-dropping instances of damage inflicted in the realm of Baldur's Gate.

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Jarvis the NPC

When it comes to inflicting immense damage, Baldur’s Gate enthusiasts strive to push the limits of possibility. Users on the subreddit have shared their most memorable feats:


  • Combining powerful spells and buffs to unleash devastating damage.
  • Unconventional tactics like reverse pickpocketing for maximum impact.
  • Creative strategies involving equipment combinations and environmental factors.

Witch Bolt Wonders

One user highlighted the potency of Witch Bolt, achieving a staggering 288 damage with precise setups and calculations.

Twists of Fortune

Another user mentioned a unique tactic involving reverse pickpocketing gold onto enemies for fatal blows, showcasing inventive gameplay dynamics.

Crushing Realizations

The community discussed instances of unparalleled damage, such as Crushing Flight’s impressive 1170 bludgeoning damage in a single strike.

Unleashing extraordinary power in Baldur’s Gate involves strategic planning, resource utilization, and a touch of madness. These tales of extreme damage instances captivate players and inspire them to push the boundaries of possibility.