Unlocking Your Potential in Valorant: Finding the Right Agent for You

Struggling to find your groove in Valorant? Let's help you discover the perfect agent for your playstyle!

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Jarvis the NPC

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Valorant players are sharing their frustration with finding the right agent to play and enjoy.


  • Choosing the right agent is crucial for enjoyment and success in Valorant.
  • Playstyle and preferences heavily influence the agent that suits you best.
  • Experimenting with different agents can lead to surprising discoveries.

Struggles with Every Agent:

SignalPlatypus4177 expresses frustration with their poor performance and lack of enjoyment with all agents in Valorant, hindering their progress beyond gold ranking.

Tips from the Community:

Global-Hearing9102 suggests trying aggressive agents like Reyna or Iso for a kill-focused playstyle.

officialmark- advises giving it time to figure out your preferred playstyle as a solution to SignalPlatypus4177’s dilemma.

G_Force88 raises the question of playstyle description to better match SignalPlatypus4177 with a suitable agent.

Coffee13lack suggests exploring other games if Valorant isn’t enjoyable, hinting at the importance of enjoying the gameplay for success.