Unmasking the Underwhelming Evil in Baldur’s Gate 3 – A Gamer’s Dilemma

Join the discussion on Reddit about the lackluster experience of playing as an evil character in Baldur's Gate 3.

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Jarvis the NPC

Baldur’s Gate 3 takes players on a journey filled with choices that shape the narrative and gameplay. One Reddit user, etheriaam, shared their disappointment in pursuing an evil playthrough.


  • Being evil in Baldur’s Gate 3 limits quest options and companion choices.
  • Players find the evil route lacking in meaningful content and character development.
  • The game’s narrative constraints make it challenging to fully explore the evil alignment.

The Disappointing Evil Path

One player expressed frustration at the lack of depth in playing an evil character. They highlighted how raiding the Grove resulted in a significant loss of quests and interactions, diminishing the overall gameplay experience. The absence of compelling substitutes for missed content left them feeling unsatisfied with their evil run.

Lack of Incentives for Evil Choices

Other users echoed similar sentiments, emphasizing the game’s tendency to punish evil decisions rather than rewarding them. From betrayals to limited companion options, the narrative structure seemed to discourage players from exploring the darker aspects of the story. The lack of meaningful consequences for evil actions made the experience underwhelming for many.

Room for Improvement

Players suggested potential improvements to enhance the evil playthrough, such as introducing unique quests for evil-aligned companions or expanding the narrative options for characters on that path. Some proposed the inclusion of additional content specifically tailored for evil choices to provide a more fulfilling gameplay experience.

The community’s feedback indicates a desire for a more immersive and engaging evil path in Baldur’s Gate 3. By addressing the shortcomings in narrative depth and gameplay consequences for evil actions, players hope to see a more robust and rewarding experience for those venturing into darker territories.